Backwash Sock Package Design

The Backwash Sock is a pool product manufactured by SINA Industries. It is a product used to trap dirt when backwashing a pool filter and it protects any vegetation around the filter. The product is very economically friendly as it is composed of a heavy duty filtration fabric that is reusable and 100% biodegradable. SINA Industries needed a logo for their product incorporated into a package design for manufacturing purposes.

The logo for the Backwash Sock is composed of a couple of elements; the colors are associated with cleanliness and a sparkling pool, while the transparent leaf speaks to the biodegradable aspect of the product. The package design is fairly simple, using the same design for the front and back with reversed colors.

At in Glendale CA we always enjoy working with newer business to get their image and marketing campaign going. When done right, the beginning stages of a growing business determine the success of its future!

Sunland Medical Center Flyer Design
Wholesale Pool Mart Business Card Design
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