Conversion Rate Optimization & Search Engine Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization & Search Engine Optimization

So what’s the relationship between Conversion Rate Optimization & Search Engine Optimization?

Generating traffic to a given website is great, but is it the end goal? In this blog we will take a look at how SEO tactics can boost conversion rate optimization.

Search engine optimization, more commonly referred to as SEO, is a major part of web development because it helps to increase traffic to a website. While improved traffic is excellent, it does not guarantee more sales and profit.

The intention of increased traffic to website is to get customers to buy your product or service. How can we get customers to actually take action when they arrive at your website? The answer is simple: conversion rate optimization.

Conversion rate optimization is the most effective way to increase online business through organic search results. Every element of a website can be optimized, but if the end users don’t convert, all the effort put into driving more traffic through organic search becomes essentially useless.

There is a definite correlation between SEO and conversion rate optimization, so the two must work together in order to turn visitors into customers.

How to Improve Conversion Rate Through SEO

There are a few steps that need to be done for conversion rate optimization through organic search. Simply put, it’s all about the user’s intent.

Consider who your largest potential audience is. Now narrow down this audience to those who come to your website with the intention to make a purchase. Does your content match the intention of the potential customer? Having the correct type of content based on the intention of the users can greatly optimize conversion rates.

When you provide users with something that they need immediately and in the moment, whether they’re researching something or looking to make a purchase, your chances of improved conversion rates will be optimized and will increase immensely.

Another method you can use to for Conversion Rate Optimization through SEO is to analyze user behavior in order to understand why users are not converting.

Look at your website’s analytics and look at where users are clicking, and why they click back or choose not to make that purchase. Consider the following questions about your website from an end-user perspective:

  • Is your website easy to navigate?
  • Do you use simple, call-to-action phrases?
  • Is the conversion an easy, one-step process? (Making it easy for end users to reach the ultimate end goal)
  • Does your website load quickly, and is it responsive to mobile devices?
  • Does your website have content that coincides with the needs of the end users, and is that content unique/valuable?

If your answer to any of these questions was No, it is time to make some changes with your website and content marketing strategy.

What Are End Users Doing on Your Website?

There are many different analytics tools like Crazy Egg, that will help you to gain insight (through heat maps) about where users are clicking and navigating on your website.

If you see that end users are clicking on certain parts of your landing pages instead of the call-to-action triggers, try to make some changes and keep monitoring their actions until you get closer to reaching your desired conversion rates.

It is also very important to test different landing pages using A/B and multivariate testing. Different tools such as Optimizely can help you determine what conversion optimization strategies are best for your target audience.

What Are End Users Saying?

Another simple way to find out why your end users are not converting is to ask them. You can conduct surveys and usability tests through different survey platforms.
This will help you understand the challenges and concerns users face when they navigate through your website, resulting in no purchases being made.

In Conclusion

SEO and Conversion Optimization work best as a team. Search engine optimized sites must focus on increasing conversions when the traffic is at the desired level.
In order for conversion optimization to be successful, we must ensure that our websites have solid content based on the intent of the end user at all stages of website interaction, from the user journey to the moment of conversion. It is important to continue monitoring website analytics and data to understand what must be done to turn visitors into customers.
