How to Make People Read Your Blog Posts

How to Make People Read Your Blog Posts

After succeeding in getting visitors to your blog post, you want them to stay on the page and read your post. Studies show that readers  are bored quickly. You should grab their attention very fast and help them understand the main message of your post. Here are 4 tips that will help you to keep visitors on the page and read you post.

Tips to Make People Read Your Blog Posts

1. Hook Them With The First Sentence

Admittedly, this is the hardest part of writing a blog post. That’s because the first sentence should be able to reel in the reader, and at the same time, give them an idea what your post will be all about.

2. Try Limiting the Length of Posts

Limit the length of your text.  People tend to stop reading if web text is too long. On the other hand, for SEO purposes, your posts  should not be below the 300 word recommended minimum.
Make sure you write short paragraphs. Short paragraphs are much more pleasant to read than one big one.

3. Make Sure Your Post is Readable

Make sure people can read your post properly. Use a decent font size: 16 px, with an appropriate white space. Using more white space has been found to actually increase comprehension of the text. Keep the lines short keeping it 50 or 75 characters per line. The longer the lines, the harder it is for people to understand your message. Choose contrasting colors for your text and your background.

4. Write About One Topic

The post should have one subject, main message, or point, you want to make. Every post and piece of content on your website has some kind of a message. You should be able to put the message of your post in one sentence.
