Ecommerce Website Design Los Angeles
ECommerce is the leader these days when it comes to running a successful retail business. The process of taking your retail business online begins with good eCommerce website design Los Angeles and a solid online marketing strategy. Here are some key tips for being successful with your new eCommerce website design.
ECommerce Website Design Los Angeles Tip #1 –
Showcase Your Products
How will you attract your customers once they are on your page? The moment a user visits your website, they should understand what you are selling or offering without having to research. Highlight a few products with a simple flash intro on your homepage. Make your specials stand out and look attractive. Offers such as free shipping or money guarantees should be visible at first glance. Place your products and product categories strategically on the homepage so the user doesn’t have to navigate much. You may want to have a sidebar with a list of the products you offer, as well a menu bar with a product drop down menu.
ECommerce Website Design Los Angeles Tip #2 –
Design with Usability
Your new eCommerce website design Los Angeles should be easy to navigate. It should not be difficult for your users to get from one product category to another. Also, when an item is placed into the cart, make sure you offer a continue shopping option as well as the ability to view the shopping cart from any page. Your customers should be able to add and remove items easily. All of these tips will lead to a positive, user-friendly experience with your eCommerce store.
ECommerce Website Design Los Angeles Tip #3 –
Cross Sell Your Products
Many business sell products that work well together and compliment each other. You can suggest these items in a passive and non-disruptive manner. For example, if the business is a clothing store and a customer adds a pair of pants to their shopping cart, you can then suggest a matching top by using a simple pop-up or automation. A successful eCommerce website design Los Angeles will seize every opportunity to cross sell without being pushy or disruptive to the customer’s online shopping experience.
ECommerce Website Design Los Angeles Tip #4 –
Do Not Force Registration
There are tons of eCommerce website design Los Angeles that give their customers only two options upon product purchase: create an account or sign in for returning customers. Many customers prefer not to have their information saved for the future, instead opting to sign out as a guest. Not providing the option to check out as a guest could lead to you losing the sale. You will still be able to capture their email information to send their order confirmation, offers for the future, and a thank you during the checkout.
ECommerce Website Design Los Angeles Tip #5 –
Use SSL for Website Security
A successful eCommerce website design Los Angeles will give your customer peace of mind upon doing business with you. These days identity theft is very common and it is important to take the proper steps to secure your customers’ personal information. You can add an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate to your website and state that it is protected by a credible security company such as Verisign or GeoTrust, which are companies that are recognizable by many online shoppers.
Good luck taking your business online with eCommerce website design Los Angeles, and keep these tips in mind to lead you to success!